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When I’m creating a todo list
I want to be able to create checkboxes/a checklist
So I can use it as a checklist and check things off


  • Either - [], or google checkbox should work
  • Ability to click to update
  • When clicking to update it should update in the Doc
    • - [] -> [x] or checkbox should change to ticked
5 years ago

Is it possible for you to embed Google Keep inside YNAW somehow… Maybe Having a Google Keep link inside Google docs, will display as embedded Google Keep in Ynaw and maybe also clicking to update all tasks too. Not sure if this idea is feasible?

5 years ago

Google Tasks has API . Can you use it to display tasks inside YNAW?

5 years ago

Thanks Gautham, I will investigate if either of these make sense.
I will use Google’s API wherever I can.

5 years ago

Google Docs support checkboxes as bullets.
They may also be toggled.
However, YNAW shows them as regular bullets with the relevant row sriked through.

Please show them as checkboxes.

2 years ago

Please star this issue if you get a chance, to give it more visibility.

While waiting for it I will implement checkboxes using either of the formats in the image attached.

The checkbox values (checked/uncheked) will be stored locally per user.

I will also include a reset button to reset the checklist group.

a year ago